General information

    Full title

    Central Securities Depository Joint-stock Company

    Short title

    Central Securities Depository JSC; or Central Securities Depository, JSC; or Central Securities Depository



    Legal form

    Joint-stock company

    Legal status

    Non-profit organization

    Postal address

    163, Non-Residential Premises, 30/8, Satpayev St., Almaty, 050040, the Republic of Kazakhstan

    Email address


    8 800 080 8668 (call from city and mobile telephones in the Republic of Kazakhstan is free)


    +7 (727) 262 08 46, 355 47 60

    Official site

    LEI code


    Date and number of initial state registration

    July 18, 1997 # 12301–1910-АО

    Agency of initial state registration

    Almaty Justice Department

    Date and number of the last state re-registration

    February 02, 2005 # 12301–1910-АО

    Agency of the last state re-registration

    Almaty Justice Department

    Licensing and regulating agency

    the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Regulation and Development of Financial Market


    License No. 4.3.18 for the following banking operations in national and (or) foreign currency dated January 30, 2023 issued by the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Regulation and Development of Financial Market: opening and maintaining bank accounts of legal entities; opening and maintaining bank accounts of individuals; opening and maintaining correspondent accounts of banks and organizations executing certain types of banking operations; transfer operations (execution of payment and money transfer orders of legal entities and individuals); exchange operations with foreign currency, excluding exchange operations with foreign currency in cash

    Superior body

    Shareholders’ General Meeting

    Administrative body

    Board of Directors

    Executive body

    Management Board


    National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Kazakhstan Stock Exchange JSC, second-tier banks and professional participants of the securities market

    Number of shareholders




    Auditor (2011–2013)

    Deloitte LLP

    Auditor (2014–2016)

    International Auditing Company "Russell Bedford BC Partners" LLC

    Auditor (2017–2021)

    BDO Kazakhstan LLP

    Auditor (2022)

    "Grant Thornton" LLP

    Auditor (2023)

    "PricewaterhouseCoopers" LLP